Transform Your Letting Management Business
Save time, win more clients, and close more leases by consolidating your entire letting management process within a single web-based platform
Transform Your Letting Management Business

Many real estate owners still control their letting management processes in disconnected systems, transforming information from one siloed system to another. Tower360 helps integrate these systems into a single platform to make it possible to manage all letting activities on an end-to-end platform.

Vacancy Management
Tower360 allows you to keep an up-to-date inventory to manage all your available spaces, and it includes a centralized hub for all associated marketing materials.
Letting Pipeline
Stop wasting time looking into disparate systems and reports. Tower360 tracks all your letting-related activities to ensure that you are always on top of your most important activities and deals. It also allows you to see everything in one place, giving you a centralized view of your business.
Proposals and Approvals
Tower360 allows you to create lease proposals with a few clicks and to track financial terms such as IRR, TIs, and NER. In addition, the platform allows you to compare lease proposals of contractual terms against a set of budgeted assumptions.
Spend Less Time Reporting
Tower360 provides several options for generating customized reports that you use on a regular basis, saving time and providing improved visibility into your letting management pipeline.
Interested in finding out all of the ways the TOWER360 Platform can help your organization scale your real estate business globally?